Monday, August 14, 2023

Amidst Horrific Tragedy, Biden Seems Oblivious!

A wildfires raged in Maui amidst an inferno of devastation and a rising death count, Joe Biden spent 12 of the last 14 days in Delaware, mostly on the beach. While innocent people were immolated along one ocean, Joe Biden sat seemingly oblivious alongside another ocean.

When asked to comment on the rising death toll in Maui, Biden incredibly answered "no comment." Earlier, while taking a leisurely bike ride, Biden was asked to comment on the "devastation in Maui." He answered: "we're looking at it"

Over the same weekend Kamala Harris also spent her time seaside but she was in tony Martha's Vineyard hobnobbing with the glam set at a private $10,000 per person fund raiser.

And none of this is new. In fact, since taking office, Biden has spent 372 days — 39.7% of his presidency — on vacation. Yes, he's actually spent more than a year on vacation!

And Harris? Well, she hasn't done much of anything.

Bottom line: Pray for our country!

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