Monday, August 28, 2023

Buckle Up, America; We’re Gonna Get Through This

America is going through a sort of collective nervous breakdown right now. Of course, it’s largely driven by politics. But there are other factors as well: history, ideology, culture, demographics and complicated social fissures.

And literally everything feels upside down or the reverse of what it ought to be. For example, just look at the political parties: the traditional party of the working class is now the party of socio-economic elites while the party that was always thought to represent the well-to-do is now the party of working people.

And now we face an historically unprecedented situation with the leader of the political opposition being arrested and threatened with jail. And it makes you wonder whether we will ever recover from this or whether we are headed toward some type o doomsday.

While things might seem terribly grim, we’re going to get through this. And, like they say — the way around is through, So, we’ve got to work our way through it and we will. We will go through this upcoming political campaign and the right person will emerge — someone who will capture the public’s imagination and show the way forward. It won’t be easy. It will be noisy, anguished and full of upheaval. But we’re going to come out the other side of this. And, God willing, we will be better for it!

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