Thursday, October 5, 2023

The GOP's Death Knell? Nah! Not Even Close!

Once again media types and their friends on the left (aka interchangeable parts) are forecasting the total collapse of the Republican Party. And once again, the rumors of the party's demise are greatly exaggerated. Here's why:

1) McCarthy's departure ain't so bad.
Kevin McCarthy -- a silver-haired, buttoned up brahmin -- was not the best image for the party in the first place. And he often came across as imperious and dismissive. That image problem might (and we stress might) have been surmounted if there was actual substance -- if things actually got done. But, turns out there wasn't much substance either.

2) This will all be quickly forgotten.
No, this certainly won't be an issue in next year's elections. In fact, it won't even be an issue in this year's elections. Voters don't really care much about this internecine warfare. They've got bigger, more relevant things on their minds -- things that they're damned angry about; things that actually warrant their anger.

3) It'll likely be resolved next week.
It'll be over. A McCarthy replacement will emerge. Who will it be? We don't know. What we do know is that McCarthy's successor will almost certainly be better than McCarthy himself. And this will give the GOP a clean slate, a new image and a fresh starting point. Hey, Americans love new, clean and fresh, right?

4) The GOP is where the action is.
The Republican Party is where the excitement is right now and it's a whole lot more interesting than the feckless Democrat brand hobbled down as it is weary and dreary old leaders whose initiatives are either hopelessly outdated or laughably kooky. The GOP is where the young upstarts and the new ideas hold sway. Indeed, it looks a helluva lot more like the future than the alternative.

5) They blew it; they were responsible.
McCarthy, McConnell and other establishment Republicans (think Rove and Chamber of Commerce types) raised millions of dollars from their friends last time around (don't they always?) and promised us a Big Red Wave. What we got instead was a dubious blush dribble. Damn! They didn't deliver. They pay the price!

And one more thing:
Right now, the GOP is keeping democracy alive. What's happening now among Republicans is democracy in action. It's the way things are supposed to be. And, quite frankly, it's exhilarating! The Democrats? They're busy building an authoritative state that mandates your every thought, word and action -- a world of group think that is nothing less than horrifying!

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