Friday, November 17, 2023

Five Things You Need To Know Right Now

These five things are totally unrelated, or at least they appear to be. But, the world isn't linear or logical and somehow everything winds up being related to everything else -- or so it often seems. Anyway, here goes:

1) The people who don't believe Israel now are never gonna believe Israel. If they can't see what's right in front of them, they'll never see it. Given that, Israel should not waste its time on these people. Instead, Israel should move on and just do what it has to do.

2) TicTok is garbage. And it's also being weaponized by people who want us destroyed. There's nothing frivolous about it -- or you, if you're still on it. Grow up!

3) Art is undefinable. That's what makes it so fascinating. It's often more fun, more revealing, more enlightening, deeper and more instructive than real life. If you're not enriching your life through art (and the arts) well -- you're missing out, Big Time!

4) If the election were held tomorrow, Biden wins. Yeah, we've seen the polls. But Biden wins tomorrow and, based on what we know now, he also wins a year from now. Biden's running and he and his people are crafty. Don't underestimate this guy. He and his crowd will do whatever  they have to do to win. And they've got powerful, entrenched forces behind them. 

5) Campbell's YES Soup is a great product. Technically, the name is Well YES as is in "Yes, we can make a soup that's tasty and healthy." It's low in sodium, low in carbs and low cal. Try the roasted chicken with rice or the vegetarian with pasta. MmmmMmmmGood!

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