Friday, November 3, 2023

Judge's Dem 'Dark Money' Call Cheers NJ GOP

New Jersey State Senate Republican Leader Anthony M. Bucco said a Superior Court judge's ruling to freeze the bank account of Jersey Freedom and prohibit future communications by the opaque independent expenditure group is a victory for election integrity.

"Democrats have been caught using dirty tactics and dark money to try to trick voters into supporting phantom candidates for office," said Bucco (R-25). "The Superior Court ruling today is a victory for election integrity and for voters who deserve to know that their ballots counted."

According to published reports by the New Jersey Globe and others, Jersey Freedom appears to be linked to South Jersey Democrats.

The group's communications to voters were designed to encourage likely-Republican voters to support third-party or phantom candidates to give a boost to failing Democrat campaigns.

"It's egregious that Democrats continue to engage in this despicable behavior that undermines our democratic process," added Bucco. "The fact that they are willing to cheat to win shows how desperate Trenton Democrats are to maintain their failing grip on power in New Jersey."


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