Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Murphy's Law: Offshore Wind Dream Goes Bust!

New Jersey State Sen. Anthony M. Bucco issued the following statement yesterday in response to Orsted announcing that they are withdrawing from New Jersey’s offshore wind project. (

“Republicans stated for months that Orsted’s offshore wind project was unsustainable and would inevitably fail. Orsted’s decision today confirms that Republicans were right when we said this was too much, too fast, and too costly. Their financial challenges were glaringly obvious, yet Democrats ignored the warning signs to rush through Governor Murphy’s extreme energy master plan without any due diligence. This is just another example of how Governor Murphy’s outrageous energy master plan is coming back to hurt New Jersey taxpayers.

Thanks to the leadership of representatives like Congressman Jeff Van Drew and my Republican colleagues in the Legislature, the negative environmental and economic effects of Governor Murphy’s failed progressive offshore wind agenda were exposed. The public deserves to know how much money has been wasted on this epic boondoggle. Republicans stand ready to meet this challenge and to ensure that New Jersey’s energy portfolio is strong, safe, transparent, diverse, and fair. It’s time for Republican leadership.”

Senate Republicans warned over the summer that Orsted’s financial problems would pose a threat to the sustainability of their offshore wind projects. Orsted’s announcement today confirmed that Republicans were right.

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