Thursday, November 9, 2023

The GOP And Abortion: A New Way Forward

OMG -- all this talk about the abortion issue and how it's tripping up the GOP which should be on a winning streak right now but is stumbling into one loss after another!

Hey, abortion wasn't that big an issue in the first place -- not really; not politically. But it often motivated enough Republican or Republican-leaning voters to get them to the polls. And then the Supreme Court overturned Roe and some people thought "Oh well, we won't have to worry about abortion as an issue ever again." And that's where the GOP went wrong. Our side became laconic just as a sleeping giant was awakened.

So, when the Supreme Court nullified Roe the Democrats immediately seized upon it and set an alarming new narrative: "Your rights have been swept away. The days of no abortions or back alley abortions have returned. Your freedom is on the line unless you vote for us. Every woman and every freedom loving person is under seige."

And meanwhile, the GOP did nothing. Nothing!

The best thing for the GOP would have been to tell the truth, simply and clearly. Still, it's not too late. So, here's the truth and here's how to answer the Democrats on the abortion issue

The Republican Party has believed and always will believe in states' rights and our federal system of government which leaves many important matters to each individual state. We oppose an activist Supreme Court that legislates from the bench and imposes one solution on every jurisdiction. 

The Supreme Court has rightly turned abortion back to the states and you now have the power in your own state to decide what you want the law to be. 

Mindful of advances in our knowledge of human development in the womb, most Americans favor reasonable restrictions on abortion. We agree with that. Most also favor certain exemptions in these matters such as in the cases of rape and incense. We agree with that as well. These are hardly extreme positions.

Today, under the Court's ruling, we now have more legal options, not fewer. And this honors democracy by allowing citizens in each state to sort their way through this process and navigate the road ahead. We trust the people. We trust the process. And we're ready to move ahead in a civil manner without fear mongering and demagoguery. 

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