Tuesday, December 26, 2023

24 People To Watch In '24 - New Jersey Edition!

Debbie Reynolds, the original "Tammy." 
Here it is -- our first ever, exclusive New Jersey edition of People to Watch in the new year. As is our custom, we've listed these in no particular order. And, with this inaugural list we're deliberately favoring young people, Hey, we're always happy to see bright, new, invigorating faces and personalities emerge.
But not all of our choices are young (or even younger) and not all of them are watchable for favorable reasons. A few are watchable because they need to be watched out for, if you know what we mean.
Anyway, here goes:

Joe Labarbera - This Sussex County GOP Chair, proud veteran and enterprising farmer is forging a powerful organization while building cohesion, pride and a winning record. During a time of polarization, he's impressed us because he seems to know how to bring people together. 

Jesse Kurtz - Proof that sometimes nice guys finish first, this Atlantic City Councilman not only shows Republicans how to win in a blue state and deep blue city but he does it with his convictions and principles intact. Formidablé! 

Frank Luna - The original New Jersey energizer, Luna succeeds at almost anything he turns his attention to. In a world full of suspicion and cynicism, Luna is the rare leader who does good just for the sake of it. And that makes for a really "good day" every day.

Holly Schepesi - This dedicated State Senator is influential and worth paying attention to not just because she keeps winning but because she’s irrepressibly down to earth, has good ideas and makes lots of sense. What's next for her? We can't wait to find out.

Jeff Van Drew - A tireless public servant and passionate champion of his Jersey shore district, Van Drew will chair President Trump’s campaign in the Garden State in 2024. Nobody is gutsier, more engaging or better fit for the role.

Jim McGreevey - The disgraced former governor seeks a comeback as Mayor of Jersey City. Salvation? Hey, at the rate things are going, Pope Francis may even proclaim him “Father” Jim! Will wonders never cease?

Melinda Castro Ciattarelli - The former Mrs. is smart, savvy and sophisticated in the ways of Joizee politics. She’s not only seen it all up close, she’s lived it and she can spar with the best of ‘em. If she decides to seek political office, watch out!

Andy Kim - One of the state’s most ambitious pols, he’s also a relentless master of self promotion. He’s like Joizee’s version of Josh Shapiro — a sweet-talking, diminutive tregetour. Abracadabra! 

Ed Durr and Brandon Umba - In terms of temperament, they couldn’t be less alike. But we’re tossing them together because after one term in the state legislature both lost a bid for re-election. But both will continue to speak out and both seem likely to seek office again — and that cheers us on. Avanti!

Tom Kean - To be re-elected this freshman congressman must navigate a fine line between moderation and Trumpster populism. He managed to thread the needle once and goodness knows, he's got a winning pedigree. Can he do it again? Stay tuned.

George Norcross - His bromance with Steve Sweeney (who has just announced a run for governor) means Norcross will not be exiting the political arena anytime soon. Plus, he actually seems to enjoy the spotlight these days — witness the media attention he sought during his recent kerfuffle with the Iggles over an Israeli flag. The man behind the curtain has emerged!

Tammy Murphy - She’s got the name, the endorsements and, in Joizeespeak “the line.” It would all seems to fit together, yes?  But the bigger question is can anyone with a name like Tammy ever be taken seriously?

Paul Kanitra - Don’t be distracted by the broad smile and the 20,000 multi-patterned sport coats. This guy’s no babbling yokel. He’s the real deal, a quick study and destined to be a laser-focused breath of fresh air in the State Assembly. Call him “Can-do Kanitra.”

Dave Fleisher - The incoming Mayor of sprawling Cherry Hill has his work cut out for him as this storied South Jersey bastion has grown a bit threadbare. Fleisher’s got the smarts and experience for the job but does he have the moxie to turn things around. That’s what we’re looking for.

Jarrett Branch - A Blexit and Turning Point activist, this young man gives us great hope not just for the year ahead but for many years to follow. And did we also say we greatly admire his deep and abiding faith? Onward!

Justin Musella - This amiable Parsippany councilman is a young man in a hurry. We like that because he’s also intense, focused and refreshingly heartfelt in his determination to bring people together and do the best for his town. Look for him to advance sooner rather than later.

Tommy DiVito - Everybody seems to love this Cedar Grove New Jersey guy who graduated from Don Bosco, still lives with his parents, loves his mom’s chicken cutlets and just happens to quarterback the New York (Joizee) Giants. Is he a one shot wonder or does he have staying power? Keep watching!

Regina Egea - The President of Garden State Initiative, a public policy think tank, she’s your go to person for what’s wrong with New Jersey’s economy and governance. This is serious stuff. If more people paid attention to her the state wouldn’t be nearly as effed up as it is.

Antwan McClellan - One of the most dynamic members of the New Jersey State Assembly, McClellan is also the Republican Whip, having rapidly assumed a leadership post. Not only does he have a compelling personal story but he is an inspiring speaker and sterling role model -- all good reasons to look to him in the new year.

Ramon Hernandez - This peripatetic guy is New Jersey’s very own Zelig — he’s literally everywhere! Plus, he rivals the sprightly Frank Luna in getting himself pictured with a host of celebrities. But why is he everywhere? Maybe in 2024 we’ll find out.

Kevin Riordan - No journalist knows more about the people, places, problems and pluses of South Jersey than this veteran Philadelphia Inquirer reporter who manages to bring a balanced, human touch to every story he covers. And his social media photos from his Joizee morning walks are the best way too start your day!

Kellyanne Conway - An Atco native and the ultimate Jersey Gal, she soared to the top then took a break to write the bestselling Here’s The Deal. If you haven’t read it, put it at the top of your ’24 reading list. What’s next? Will she follow The Donald back to the White House? Stranger things have happened.

Mike Testa - He’d be worth watching if only for his sartorial style. But he’s focused, diligent, articulate and wonderfully intuitive as well. He’s certainly made his mark in the New Jersey State Senate and has been handily re-elected. Look for an even bigger profile in ’24. This guy is the Total Package.

Brian Fitzherbert - This energetic chair of the Atlantic County Young Republicans (and radio personality on WOND) has been vital in helping to turn the shore area deep red. He’s more than paid his dues and has earned a shot at political office. Go for it, Brian!

And here's one more, just for good measure: Curtis Bashaw - The dashing founder of Cape Resorts and former executive director of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority is the visionary behind Cape May’s miraculous rebirth. Now he’s mulling a bid for the US Senate. Don’t underestimate this guy. He got a habit of making the impossible possible. 

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