Friday, December 29, 2023

24 People We Wish We Could Bring Back In '24

The 24 people we're about to list, in no particular order, are all gone. 

Some left us recently, others left us many years ago. All were here in the 20th or 21st century, chosen for this list because many might actually remember them and think of them fondly.

All were unique. They brought distinct and immeasurable talent and insight to our world. They inspired us; they led us; they challenged us; they informed us; they lightened our burden and helped us face each day. Some of them left us much too soon. Others lived well into their eighties and even nineties.  Regardless, we wish they were all with us right now because our need for them has never been greater. Here they are:

Harry S Truman - A President who actually made clear, definitive, irrevocable decisions -- mostly the right decisions and mostly for the right reasons. Imagine that! 

Stephen Sondheim - The great master of the Broadway musical who also gave us a few brilliant standards like Send In The Clouds. A rare genius who left us a monumental body of work.

John Lennon and George Harrison - What if they had lived long enough for the Beatles to get back together again some day? The illusive dream . . . 

Ronald Reagan - Ronaldus Maxus — the one and only. The last great President of the 20th century. He towers above the rest.

Joan Rivers - So original, so groundbreaking, so funny, so irreverent. We could use those laughs now.

JFK and JFK, Jr. - What would have happened if either one of them had not died so tragically? So much promise! The great mystery endures.

Antonin Scalia - One of the greatest legal minds ever and a man who knew how to live life. Just to read one more opinion from him would be a joy!

Margaret Thatcher - The Iron Lady who was a grocer’s daughter raised with invincible common sense. “The lady is not for turning!”

Mother Teresa - A champion of the downtrodden, the oppressed and all human life. She urged us on to a higher calling.

Pope John Paul II - The great Protector of the Faith. He never, ever said “Who am I to judge?” He was The Pope for all ages.

Mother Angelica - The logical successor to Bishop Sheen, she made the Magisterium of the Church an understandable guide to living for everyday Christians. 

Frank, Sammy and Dean - Were there ever three greater entertainers? Song, dance, stage, TV, movies — they did it all, and always with unmistakable panache.

Alfred Hitchcock and Françoise Truffaut - Two of the greatest movie directors ever, together here because they so admired each other. Their talent and insight are sorely missed.

Louis Armstrong - Nobody has ever even come close. The distinct sound of the irrepressible Satchmo defined an era! Thank goodness his recordings are still available and his legacy flourishes.

Fred Rodgers - Did anybody ever understand children better or love them more? Kids could benefit from his presence now more than ever.

Walter Cronkite - Oh, to have a trustworthy, experienced, objective reporter again. A professional with true gravitas.

Patsy Cline and Hank Williams - Gone way too soon — and with so much unique talent, and uniquely American. Positively irreplaceable! 

George Carlin - His routines seem more pertinent and applicable today than ever. Way ahead of his time, he's still got us laughing.

Walt Disney (pictured) - What would this guy think if he came back and saw his company today? Doubtless, he'd be horrified. But he'd also set about restoring it to its original purpose. C'mon back, Walt -- we need you now!

Frederico Fellini - One of the most compellingly visual screen artists ever. His unique celebration of life gave rise to the term Felliniesque!

Queen Elizabeth - Through many storms (both personal and collective) her faith and her sense of duty and obligation never wavered. Epic!

Johnny Carson - Always the right touch, the right balance — he ended our days with devilish, nonpartisan humor, taking shots at everyone.

Golda Meir - Yes, Israel could really use her right now. If fact, the whole damned world could use her!

Audrey Hepburn - Fashion is faddish and transitory. Style is forever. She knew the difference. She had style! Plus, she was a true humanitarian. 

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