Thursday, December 14, 2023

Zionists Strongly Condemn Biden's Israel Statements

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

ZOA strongly condemns President Joe Biden’s dangerous, indiscriminate remarks on December 12th, falsely accusing Israel of “indiscriminate bombing” in Gaza; criticizing and calling for changing Israel’s democratically elected government; and calling for Israel to “strengthen” and reward the Palestinian Authority (PA) terror regime with a Palestinian Arab state carved out of Israel’s lawful land (a so-called “two-state solution”) — while the PA is celebrating the October 7th atrocities, continuing to pay terrorists huge lifetime pensions to murder Jews and insisting that Hamas must be part of a Palestinian state; and the PA’s ruling Fatah party is bragging about its brigades participating in the October 7th atrocities.

Falsely accusing Israel of “indiscriminate bombing” creates more fuel for attacking American Jews. Biden’s widely disseminated, reckless remarks will likely inspire more antisemitism, at a time when American Jews are being attacked on college campuses and American streets at record breaking levels. Even his spokesman John Kirby said no country, including America, does more to protect civilian lives.

Biden voiced his unjustified criticisms of Israel and his statements interfering with and attempting to undermine Israeli democracy at a closed-door campaign reception on December 12, 2023. Biden’s remarks were then published on the White House website and amplified in media around the world.

Biden should be well aware that a Palestinian state would be a Fatah-Hamas terror state. On December 10th (two days before Biden’s awful remarks), PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh told a Doha forum that “Hamas is an integral part of the Palestinian mosaic”; that eliminating Hamas is not acceptable to the PA; and proudly proclaimed that the Palestinian Authority defended Hamas from charges of terrorism in the UN and that Hamas must be part of the “day after” plan for Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem.

And just last week (Dec. 6, 2023), official PA television featured a Fatah representative calling for “all types of resistance” including “armed struggle” [terrorism].

It is also utterly sickening and beyond ridiculous and dangerous that Biden is calling for strengthening the PA and giving them a state when PA ruling party Fatah’s “Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades” participated in the October 7th atrocities against Jewish civilians. Fatah murdered Jewish civilians at Nahal Oz kibbutz with Kalashnikov rifles, stomped on Jews’ heads, and published video of themselves doing so and bragging about it. Another Fatah video shows a Fatah terrorist taking an Israeli captive, and a Fatah spokesman bragging that Fatah’s “Brigades, together with the rest of the Palestinian resistance factions [Hamas and PIJ], carried out several operations [terror attacks] behind enemy lines [meaning in Israel] as part of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle” [the October 7th atrocities]. The Fatah video also praised the October 7th massacre as a first step to “liberate” all of “Palestine” [to destroy Israel]. Palestinian Media Watch, which exposed the video, noted that the Fatah spokesman said four times that the PA’s Fatah is fighting “together with the rest of the resistance factions” [Hamas, PIJ, etc.]

Biden is undoubtedly also well aware that Israel is not engaging in “indiscriminate bombing.” If Israel were in fact engaged in “indiscriminate bombing” in Gaza, Israel would have long ago flattened all of Gaza from the air. Instead, Israel has been making surgical strikes on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror targets and engaging in dangerous close quarters combat with Hamas and PIJ terrorists, which risks and costs Israeli soldiers’ lives.

So why is Biden spouting these anti-Israel falsehoods that will increase attacks against American Jews, increase unwarranted pressure on Israel, and benefit the Hamas and PA terrorists?

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