Wednesday, January 24, 2024

NJ Transit Fare Increases Are 'Unacceptable!'

Statement from New Jersey State Senator Anthony M. Bucco on NJ Transit's Proposed Fare Increase

wasted-money-cash-on-fire #1

“New Jersey Transit’s proposed train, light rail, and bus fare increases are unacceptable and will only make it harder for our already financially strapped transit riders to make ends meet.  We knew that NJT was facing a budget shortfall and Republicans have been sounding the alarms and offering solutions to address budget mismanagement issues like NJT, among others, for some time now.  Unfortunately, we have been ignored.  This is the exact type of result we feared as the Murphy Administration has proceeded with egregious spending habits, including allowing NJT to lease an extremely expensive new headquarters. This was just poor fiscal management that has now left transit riders and New Jersey taxpayers shouldering the bill.  We need to be better stewards of taxpayers’ dollars and start cutting wasteful spending to address growing affordability issues such as this.” 

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