Thursday, January 25, 2024

On NJ And Migrant Crisis: 'Enough Is Enough!'

New Jersey State Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and Paul Kanitra (all R-10) released the following statement today about the ongoing undocumented migrant crisis facing New Jersey.


Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and Paul Kanitra released a statement today about the ongoing undocumented migrant crisis facing New Jersey.

“Stopping illegal immigration has always been about the rule of law and protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens. Unfortunately, President Biden, Congress, and the Murphy administration have put our constituents’ needs behind undocumented migrants. First, we became a Sanctuary State, which placed an even greater strain on already limited public resources. Then, we gave them financial aid while issuing cuts to school funding. And now, we see news that TSA guidelines are allowing adult migrants to fly on a commercial airline without a photo ID. We say enough is enough.


“Governor Murphy and the Trenton Democrats are responsible for many of the policies that have contributed to this crisis, but ultimately this is a problem that can only be solved at the federal level. And, while the Congress continues to pass the buck, community resources are getting stretched thin and New Jersey cities are on the verge of becoming overwhelmed.


“This is not sustainable. We simply don’t have the resources to provide unending benefits. It’s long past time for President Biden, Congress, and Governor Murphy to do their jobs and fix this problem."

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