Thursday, January 25, 2024

YOU Can Speak Out Against NJ Transit Fare Hikes!

New Jersey State Assemblywoman Victoria Flynn and Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger (Monmouth – R’s) offer the following joint statement in response to New Jersey Transit proposing a 15% fare hike and suggesting a recurring 3% annual increase indefinitely thereafter:
Today's fare hikes directly result from New Jersey's continued failure to address a well-known problem, and NJ Transit riders deserve better. NJ Transit's proposal may be the first in nine years, but it cannot be the only solution we consider. Our responsibility as representatives is to advocate for a transportation system that uplifts our residents.

In addition to the proposed fare increase, commuters are also grappling with the impact of inflation, further straining their finances. The likelihood of additional "congestion taxes" adds to the challenges faced by commuters, creating a potentially disastrous financial burden on top of rising living costs. The proposed 15% fare hike by NJ Transit has sparked widespread outrage among constituents who are concerned about the financial burden it would impose, especially considering the first increase in nearly a decade.

We understand the financial pressures on NJ Transit, but burdening commuters with a significant fare hike is not the solution. Our constituents rely on affordable and efficient public transportation, and we must work towards solutions that do not place an undue burden on their shoulders.

In response, NJ Transit has organized public hearings across 10 New Jersey counties from March 4 to March 8, 2024, providing morning and evening sessions. Constituents can attend these hearings in person or submit comments online at, via postal mail, or through email at The public comment period extends until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 8, 2024. To ensure your opinion is heard, constituents can also submit comments to and

Public transportation is a vital service, and any fare adjustments should be approached with sensitivity to the economic well-being of our communities.

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