Monday, February 26, 2024

CH Mayor Backs Preservation Of GSP Gatehouse

In  a statement released to us today Cherry Hill Mayor Dave Fleisher strongly endorses the preservation of the historic Garden State Park gatehouse and vows to convey this  "loud and clear" to any future owners of the gatehouse property. Here is the mayor's full statement:

I fully support the preservation of the Gatehouse structure.  It’s been my priority since my first day as Mayor to preserve our Township’s history, and the Gatehouse is an important symbol of that history.  

The most recent planning board approval required the preservation of the Gatehouse structure.  If a new owner emerges, they will hear loud and clear that the protection of the Gatehouse must be part of their future plans. 

With our petition nearing 700 signatures, we are gratified to receive the mayor's strong endorsement of our efforts and we thank all of you who signed the petition and added so many heartfelt comments expressing your fond memories of Garden State Park and the emotional symbolism of this iconic structure.

Though we've made a remarkable impact in a relatively short time our efforts do not end here. We're aiming for more than 1,000 signatures so if you haven't already signed the petition make sure you do so now and make sure you share the link to the petition with everyone you know. 

Because we do not know who will acquire the property (which is now up for sale) and what plans the new owners may have for the property, we must remain vigilant on behalf of the gatehouse. With your continued support, we will move onward with total resolve and be ready for any eventuality!

Again, here is the link to sign the petition.


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