Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Latest Numbers Show Biden In Tailspin

A new NBC News poll shows  President Donald Trump with a sizable lead over  Joe Biden. Nationally, Trump leads Biden by a significant five points, 47 to 42 percent.

And get this: Right now, Biden’s job approval rating is only 37 percent.  At the same time his disapproval rating is a full 60 percent! This is his worst showing in this poll and puts him 23 points underwater. Just as an example of how far he's fallen, this time last year,  he was down only four points with a 46/50 approve/disapprove rating.

And there's more stunning news: only 35 percent of Hispanics, 29 percent of young people (18-34), and 27 percent of independents approve of the job Biden’s doing. 

Just to give you an idea of how bad these numbers are, remember that no president in the history of this poll has seen their approval rating dip to 37 percent since President George W. Bush during the collapse of his second term.

And Trump's support among Black voters (a group that Democrats typically carry with 90 percent and beyond) is now only 75 percent.

But even beyond all this, take a look at how Trump leads on every issue:


  • Trump: 57 percent (+35)
  • Biden: 22 percent


  • Trump: 55 percent (+22)
  • Biden: 33 percent

Being Competent and Effective

  • Trump: 48 percent (+16)
  • Biden: 32 percent

Improving America’s Standing in the World

  • Trump: 47 percent (+11)
  • Biden: 36 percent

Having the Necessary Physical and Mental Health

  • Trump: 46 percent (+23)
  • Biden: 23 percent

Dealing with crime and violence

  • Trump: 50 percent (+21)
  • Biden: 29 percent
On top of all this, today's Rasmussen poll show only 23 percent who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and 45% who strongly disapprove. That's a nearly two-to-one knockout punch and  gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -22. 

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