Friday, February 9, 2024

NJ GOP: Launch Virtual Hearings On Transit Hikes

New Jersey State Senate Republicans introduced a petition today to encourage New Jersey Transit officials to offer virtual options for members of the public to participate in upcoming hearings regarding the Murphy administration's proposal to raise transit fare by 15%.


New Jersey Senate Republicans announced a petition today to encourage virtual hearings for New Jersey Transit’s proposed fare hike.

"The public has a right to express their concerns about the Murphy administration's proposed 15% rate fare hikes on public transit riders. Unfortunately, people do not always have the ability or time to attend in-person meetings," said Senate Republican Leader Anthony M. Bucco (R-25). "Our petition calls on New Jersey Transit to include virtual options for residents to participate in upcoming hearings to ensure that those who want to make their voices heard will have the opportunity to do so.”


New Jersey Transit announced 10 in-person hearings to solicit public input about the Murphy administration's proposed 15% rate hikes for public transit. These hearings do not include options for residents to join or participate virtually, either via phone or online. 


You can view and sign the petition by clicking the link: (ENCOURAGE VIRTUAL HEARINGS FOR NEW JERSEY TRANSIT'S PROPOSED RATE FARE HIKES)

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