Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ten Things You Need To Know Right Now

Let's get right to the points we want to make and what you need to remember right now:

1) Barring some cataclysmic event it's Trump v Biden. 

2) Biden is a beat up old street fighter. He's also vindictive and stubborn. He spent his whole life getting where he is and he's left a lot of flotsam and jetsam in his wake. He will not step aside. 

3) Jill Biden is also all in for another four years in the White House. She too sacrificed all and is every bit as scheming as her husband. She'll urge him on, no matter what.

4) Donald Trump isn't gonna change. Handlers don't know what to do with him because he's simply not handleable. Love him or hate him, he's real -- easily the most authentic president we've had in 70 years or more. Deal with it.

5) Trump's success this time around will be depend on key groups of voters being able to make this distinction: you can dislike his personality and even consider him obnoxious but admire his accomplishments last time around (peace, prosperity, strength, resolve) and want that back again -- especially in contrast to where we are now. That's not crazy or radical. It's common sense.

6) Nikki Haley's campaign is effectively over. Those who are still encouraging her seem to be largely motivated by hate -- an obstinate hatred of Donald Trump and his 70+ million followers. This is not a pretty sight nor is it in any way admirable.

7) Trump has a rich choice of talent to choose from for his vice presidential nominee. The choice will be very important but given those he's already cited on his list, he's headed in the right direction and that bodes well for the country.

8) Biden is stuck with Kamala. End of story.

9) McConnell, McCarthy and McDaniel are all gone. It's a massive shift and it happened relatively quickly. A new team is in charge ,or soon will be. It's Trump's GOP now. Nothing new about that. To the winner belong the spoils. If you can't accept that, you're not just a sore loser but you're in the way.

10) The Republican bench is, for the most part, strong, talented, younger and more in tune with the grassroots of America than the Democrat bench. Should he win, Trump has lots of talent to choose from for his cabinet and other posts. That's all good!

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