Buona Pasqua E Tutti! Happy Easter To All!

 Buona Pasqua, the beautiful Italian Easter greeting proclaims "Happy Easter" to all.

May your day be filled with peace, joy, la famiglia and the blessings of this season of renewal and rejoicing.

This is a day to proclaim salvation and to give thanks for our faith; regaling in the hope of eternal life, the promise of the Trinity.

This year during the Lenten season I listened to the entire New Testament ( a little bit each day) and I found it to be captivating, thought-provoking, intense and personally meaningful.

In Italy, Easter remains a day that celebrates life. And no group of people celebrates life as well as the Italians.

Although Italians do not decorate hard–boiled eggs nor have chocolate bunnies or pastel marshmallow chicks, the biggest Easter displays in bars, pastry shops, supermarkets, and especially at chocolatiers are brightly wrapped uova di Pasqua—chocolate Easter eggs—in sizes that range from 10 grams (1/3 ounce) to 8 kilos (nearly 18 pounds). Most of them are made of milk chocolate in a mid–range, 10–ounce size by industrial chocolate makers.

Some producers distinguish between their chocolate eggs for children (sales numbers are a closely guarded secret, but the market for these standard quality eggs is said to be shrinking with Italy's birthrate) and expensive "adult" versions. All except the tiniest eggs contain a surprise. Grown–ups often find their eggs contain little silver picture frames or gold–dipped costume jewelry.

The very best eggs are handmade by artisans of chocolate, who offer the service of inserting a surprise supplied by the purchaser. Car keys, engagement rings, and watches are some of the high–end gifts that have been tucked into Italian chocolate eggs in Italy.

My favorite Easter treats: chocolate coconut cream eggs (sinfully sweet), chocolate covered marshmallows, jelly beans of every color and flavor, sweet Italian Easter bread, hot cross buns and Peeps.

How The Date Of Easter Is Determined


Does Easter seem early this year?
It does to some people. To us, it seems a bit early as it was later  last year.
So, how is the date for Easter determined?
Easter is calculated via the Easter dating method devised by Pope Gregory XIII and his astronomers and mathematicians.
According to the Gregorian calendar Easter is always one of the 35 dates between March 22 and April 25. The canonical rule is that Easter Day is the first Sunday after the 14th day of the lunar month (the nominal full moon) that falls on or after March 21 (nominally the day of the vernal equinox). So, this year Easter comes just after after the beginning of spring.
Next year Easter will fall on April 20, which might seem a bit late for some or just about right for others. After all, when most of us think Easter we think April -- the later, the better.
One would expect that it would be a mild Easter this year even though the week leading up to Easter has been a bit turbulent. It's expected to be warmer and seasonal today. But rain will follow early in the week.
But we actually remember balmy Easters in March and chilly Easters in late April. And there have even been years when it has snowed on Easter Sunday.
Why is the date of Christmas fixed while the date of Easter changes each year? 
That's a question for another time.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

What The Biden White House Wants You To Forget!

Biden 'Easter' Actions Spike Intense Outrage!

Biden not only banned kids from decorating White House Easter eggs with religious symbols but he also declared Easter Sunday "Transgender Day of Visibility." Make no mistake about it: Biden and his allies are at war with Christianity! 

Official White House proclamation:

On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.  

I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect.  I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my Administration and to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military.  I am proud to have signed historic Executive Orders that strengthen civil rights protections in housing, employment, health care, education, the justice system, and more.  I am proud to have signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, ensuring that every American can marry the person they love. 

Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation.  Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive.  They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.  But extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families — silencing teachers; banning books; and even threatening parents, doctors, and nurses with prison for helping parents get care for their children.  These bills attack our most basic American values:  the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child.  It is no surprise that the bullying and discrimination that transgender Americans face is worsening our Nation’s mental health crisis, leading half of transgender youth to consider suicide in the past year.  At the same time, an epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, especially women and girls of color, continues to take too many lives.  Let me be clear:  All of these attacks are un-American and must end.  No one should have to be brave just to be themselves.  

At the same time, my Administration is working to stop the bullying and harassment of transgender children and their families.  The Department of Justice has taken action to push back against extreme and un-American State laws targeting transgender youth and their families and the Department of Justice is partnering with law enforcement and community groups to combat hate and violence.  My Administration is also providing dedicated emergency mental health support through our nationwide suicide and crisis lifeline — any LGBTQI+ young person in need can call “988” and press “3” to speak with a counselor trained to support them.  We are making public services more accessible for transgender Americans, including with more inclusive passports and easier access to Social Security benefits.  There is much more to do.  I continue to call on the Congress to pass the Equality Act, to codify civil rights protections for all LGBTQI+ Americans.

Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans:  You are loved.  You are heard.  You are understood.  You belong.  You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.  I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.

                             JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.

Friday, March 29, 2024

The REAL Campaign Is Already Underway . . .

Oh Yeah, They Were ALL Election Deniers!

In Chicago, Fight For Columbus In High Gear!

COPOMIAO President Basil Russo: the national Italian American community fully supports the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans (JCCIA) in its fight to preserve Columbus Drive in Chicago.

Last week, a freshman Chicago alderman, Lamont Robinson, took a familiar page from the anti-Columbus playbook when he proposed an ordinance that, if passed, would rename Columbus Drive to Barack Obama Drive.


 The major 2.2-mile road, which stretches through the Loop from East Grand Avenue south to DuSable Lake Shore Drive, was named Columbus Drive in 1933.

The ordinance must be studied by the Chicago City Council’s Transportation Committee before it can be considered by the City Council at large.

"COPOMIAO wholeheartedly supports honoring past presidents from both sides of the aisle, but not at the expense of our heritage. Local leaders know they can attract media attention with these replacement ordinances, but such efforts afford them little political capital among voters, as these measures fail to address the real issues their constituents face, i.e., economic uncertainty and public safety concerns," said Russo.

Consider the following:

  • In 2020, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto recommended the removal of the city's Columbus statue. A year later, during his reelection bid, he was handily beaten in the primaries by a first-time mayoral candidate (it was the first time in decades that a two-term incumbent suffered such a loss in Pittsburgh).

  • In 2020, during her first term, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot ordered the removal of the city's Columbus statues. In 2023, she suffered a lopsided defeat during her reelection bid. She was the first incumbent mayor in 40 years to lose in the Chicago primaries.

  • In 2019, Cleveland City Councilman Basheer Jones, during his first term, proposed legislation to abolish Columbus Day. His efforts failed, and, in 2021, he gave up his council seat to run for Cleveland mayor (he lost in the primaries).

  • JCCIA President Ron Onesti met with Ald. Lamont Robinson this past weekend and Robinson is now considering alternative options, but he has yet to amend his proposed renaming ordinance, according to the New York Post.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

While Biden Hosts A NYC Soiree For Zillionaires . . .

Cherry Hill Mall: A Surprising, Thriving Survivor?

Somebody posted on social media recently about how South Jersey's famed Cherry Hill Mall is not what it used to be. And, we suppose it is comforting in some ways to look back on what was and cast it in a nostalgic glow.

But what is what it used to be? The answer is obvious: hardly anything!  Certainly commerce and retailing are not what they used to be. They change to meet the demands of a constantly evolving customer base.

The Cherry Hill Mall is more than 60 years old. In some ways it's a miracle that it's even still functioning, let alone thriving. To stay competitive nowadays the mall must maximize the income it gets from every available bit of space while staying up to date and competitive. It costs a fortune just to open the doors and turn the lights on. And retailing giants like the mall were hard hit by the devastating Covid lockdown.

Over many decades, the mall has witnessed monumental change and upheaval.  It would not have survived if it did not adapt. The mall's main anchor store, the legendary Strawbridge's department store went out of business years ago. Fortunately, it was replaced by a top-of-the-line retailer, Nordstrom and enclosed, indoor parking was added. At the same time the mall underwent an expansion and multi-million dollar redo. That was a huge investment!

While other malls have become morgues or been demolished altogether, the Cherry Hill Mall is still nearly 100% occupied with first class merchants like Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Brooks Brothers, Michael Kors, Apple, Hugo Boss, Macy's, Abercrombie, Starbucks, JC Penney, Warby Parker, Armani Exchange, Banana Republic, Lulu Lemon and Urban Outfitters, not to mention restaurants like Capital Grill, Seasons 52 and Eddie V's. So, the mall remains an attractive indoor shopping and dining experience. And, in fact a new Sushi spot (Kooma) is on the way.

Be thankful the mall is still there. Patronize it!

An Important Message For Governor Murphy!

Statement from Jewish Federations of New Jersey
Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey
Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey
Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey
Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest New Jersey
Jewish Federation of West-Central New Jersey

We are saddened and disappointed by Governor Murphy’s statement yesterday calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

While we appreciate his condemning Hamas and acknowledging the urgent need to bring all the hostages home, we find his announcement completely tone-deaf.  Since October 7th, the Jewish community in New Jersey has been under siege due to the 400% rise in antisemitism in our schools, universities, and municipalities.

In his statement, he mentions ensuring long-term peace and security for Israelis. By calling for a ceasefire, he endangers the survival of the only democracy in the Middle East and ignores the root causes of the war.  

Conflating a two-state solution with a ceasefire is dangerous, enables antisemitism to soar, and heightens division among the very people who elected Governor Murphy to lead our state. 

We are disappointed that our Governor had ample opportunity to share his concerns with the Jewish community, but instead chose to unilaterally publish a statement. 

It is disheartening to learn that the Governor does not appreciate the devastating local impact of this war on the Jewish Community. His statement minimizes the plight of the hostages, including from our own New Jersey families and communities. His statement offers nothing for the victims on both sides, who need Hamas to surrender for this war to end. Nor does his statement stand for decency and civilization in the face of terror and hate.

We will stand with Israel and the Jewish people, now and forever.

Click here to contact your Senator to pass the IHRA Definition of antisemitism in New Jersey

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Before He Became An Outlaw, A Legend, An Icon . . .

KABOOM! Biden Hits Another LOW POINT In Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking
Poll for Wednesday (3/27) shows that 39% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Sixty percent (60%) disapprove. Note that this is a poll of LIKELY voters which is more accurate of a poll merely of adults or of registered voters.

The latest figures include 22% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and 48% (nearly half) who strongly disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -26. (see trends)

Tighter, But Joe Still Lags In Swing States

New swing state poll figures recently released!

/ Bloomberg News Poll: PENNSYLVANIA Trump 44% (+6) Biden 38% Kennedy 7% Stein 1% West 0% . WISCONSIN Trump 41% (+2) Biden 39% Kennedy 10% West 1% Stein 1% . NEVADA Trump 42% (+6) Biden 36% Kennedy 11% West 1% Stein 1% . MICHIGAN Trump 40% Biden 40% Kennedy 9% West 3% Stein 2% . NORTH CAROLINA Trump 45% (+6) Biden 39% Kennedy 7% West 1% Stein 0% . ARIZONA Trump 43% (+6) Biden 37% Kennedy 12% West 2% Stein 1% . GEORGIA Trump 45% (+7) Biden 38% Kennedy 7% West 2% Stein 0% 4,932 RV, 3/8-15

MessNBC: An Ongoing Threat To Democracy?

So, after much carrying on from a bunch of overpaid,  indulged on-air  crybabies, MSNBC has dropped former RNC Chair Rona McDaniel as a regular contributor -- dropped her before she even started the job; before she was even given a chance to show what she could do.

MSNBC talks about threats to democracy but steadfastly refuses to present an opposing point of view, effectively thwarting democracy.

They showcase and celebrate diversity among their on air talent -- EXCEPT for a diversity of viewpoints. This is typical of the left in America today.

Meanwhile, Fox News has employed Democrats including former DNC Chair Donna Brazille, Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers, Harold Ford, and Jessica Tarlov (among others) and Fox has hosted and featured Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Gavin Newsom and Pete Buttigieg, etc. on the air numerous times including for open forum town halls. Is Fox strictly bipartisan? Of course not! But their record in welcoming a wider range of views is a damned sight better that MessNBC's.

Remember: lefties invented "safe spaces" so they don't have to be troubled by divergent viewpoints. They are the real threats to democracy today!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Biden On Anti-Israel Protestors: 'They Have A Point!'

The Sorry State Of The US Catholic Church

What hath Pope Francis wrought? 

He apparently thought that by loosening rules and standards  he could strengthen the appeal of the Catholic Church -- modernizing it and bringing more of the faithful back. 

But it seems the Pope's efforts have only sent mixed signals to the faithful and confused things further, making many wonder exactly what the Church stands for or if it stands for anything at all. Now, look at the results of the latest Gallup poll which show that fully half of all American Catholics seldom or never attend church services. And not even a quarter of all US Catholics attend mass every week. How sad!

Biden's Favorables Remain At Record Low!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday, 3/26 shows that 40% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove.

The latest figures include only 22% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and 47% who strongly disapprove. that a two-to-one disapproval rating and this gives Biden a presidential approval index rating of -25.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Musical 'Way Of The Cross' On Good Friday

Saint John the Evangelist Parish in Center City Philadelphia will hold its annual Via Crucis (The Way of the Cross) on Friday, March 29th — Good Friday.

Friday, March 29, 2024
3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Saint John the Evangelist Parish (Upper Church)
21 South 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Directed by Dr. Annette DiMedio, Via Crucis, is a musical score by composer Franz Liszt depicting the Stations of the Cross. Each station will be recreated with narration, song, movement, and prayer.

Via Crucis is open to the public. A free will offering will be taken up in support of music ministries at Saint John the Evangelist Parish.

Note: For more information on Via Crucis please contact Dr. Annette DiMedio, Music Director at Saint John the Evangelist Parish, at 267-471-0955. For more information on Saint John the Evangelist Parish, please visit http://stjohnsphilly.com/.

Pro Israel Group Blasts Schumer; Demands Retraction!

Schumer Helped Create Atmosphere to Legitimize Not Vetoing Anti-Israel UN Resolution

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

Senate Majority Leader Schumer often calls himself a “Shomer Israel” – guardian of Israel, and did so again at the outset of his lengthy speech on the Senate floor on March 14, 2024. Following the speech, ZOA received numerous calls from American Jews and pro-Israel Americans expressing their shock at Schumer’s dangerous statements, which attacked Israeli democracy and Israel’s fight for her existence against Hamas and other Palestinian Arab terrorists.

ZOA and the American Jewish and pro-Israel communities are horrified that Schumer is improperly interfering with Israeli democracy by calling for new, premature elections in Israel to try to unseat Israel’s democratically elected prime minister and Knesset, almost three years before the current Israeli government’s four-year term ends. ZOA condemns Schumer for his inappropriate demands of Israel and ZOA urged a retraction of his horrific statement which helped create an atmosphere which helped legitimize not vetoing new anti-Israel UN Resolution demanding a ceasefire. That sort of divisive interference with a foreign government should be unthinkable. Schumer also failed to mention that Israel is now governed by a broad-based war cabinet, and that Israelis are united in the need to destroy Hamas’ terror army and bring the hostages home.

Schumer also overstated Hamas’ inflated Gazan casualties as “immense.” Wharton and other statisticians have shown that the Hamas figures are grossly exaggerated. Schumer also falsely demanded that Israel “must prioritize the protection of civilian casualties when identifying military targets.” No international law requires prioritizing civilians of an enemy in war time.

Further interfering with Israeli democracy, sovereignty and safety, Schumer called for the U.S. and Arab nations to pressure Israel to give up her lawful land to create what would be a Palestinian Iranian-proxy terror state that endangers Israel’s continuing existence (the so-called “two-state solution”). Schumer threatened to cut off U.S. support if Israel did not comply, saying: “the U.S. Government should DEMAND that Israel conduct itself with a future two-state solution in mind. [minute 36:05] We should not be forced into a position of unequivocally supporting the actions of an Israeli government that include bigots who reject the idea of a Palestinian state.”

Thus, according to Schumer, anyone who sensibly rejects creating a Palestinian terror state on Israel’s land is a “bigot.” That means that Schumer is calling 85% of Israelis and a high percentage of Americans “bigots”!

Schumer also ignored the last century of history, and absurdly asserted that the prospect of a state would magically make the Palestinian Arabs peaceful – but that more terror would result if Israel takes real, sensible anti-terror actions, such as tightening Israeli security control. Schumer incredibly stated: “With the prospect of a real two-state solution on the table, and for the first time genuine statehood for the Palestinian people, I believe they will be far more likely to support more mainstream leaders committed to peace.”

The first time??? The Arabs were given extremely generous offers of a state on Israel’s land numerous times throughout the past 75 years (including in 1937, 1947, 2000, 2008 and 2014). Each time, the Arabs rejected a state and instead went to war to destroy Israel or began another Intifada to murder and maim thousands of Israelis.

And that’s not all.

Schumer also overstated Hamas’ inflated Gazan casualties as “immense.” Wharton and other statisticians have shown that the Hamas figures are grossly exaggerated. Schumer also falsely demanded that Israel “must prioritize the protection of civilian casualties when identifying military targets.” No international law requires prioritizing civilians of an enemy in war time.

In fact, Israel carefully follows international law for every operation, which requires weighing the prospective military advantage against the potential expected casualties. Israel often calls off important operations when expected casualties may be too high. Many Israeli soldiers have died as a result of Israel’s care in preserving civilians. Prof. John Spencer of West Point and Britain’s esteemed Col. Richard Kemp this week stated that no army in history has done more to protect enemy civilians than Israel. And these Gazan civilians are not so innocent—they elected Hamas and 72%-85% of them support and praise the October 7th massacre, rape, murder, torture of innocent Jews. Thousands went into the streets of Gaza cheering and handing out candy. Even the nurses and doctors in the Gazan hospitals joined in.

Israel’s protection of civilians is so exemplary that despite Hamas using civilians as human shields, the number and ratio of Gazan civilians killed (approximately one civilian casualty for each of the 13,000 terrorists killed) is the lowest in the history of warfare.

Schumer also outrageously libeled Israel by falsely claiming that “so many Jews” are “horrified” by “our sense that Israel is falling short of upholding these distinctly Jewish values that we hold so dear” of protecting human life. And Schumer even claimed that due to “far-right extremists in his coalition,” Netanyahu is “too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza.” We gasped when we heard that last outrageous libel.

“So many Jews” are actually horrified that Schumer is libeling Israel’s excellent record of preserving and protecting civilians.


Trump Today: 'This Is Election Interference!'

Race Track And Gatehouse: Help Save What's Left!

Look at the photo above of the former Garden State Park race track in Cherry Hill, NJ just outside of Philadelphia. This beautiful thoroughbred racing gem is no longer there. The area is now home to a huge shopping center and a bunch of big box stores, indistinguishable from the same type of center in countless other locations. With a Home Depot, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, Gap and Trader Joe's, it could be anywhere.

But, see that cute little gatehouse in the front left of the photos above? That charming gatehouse is still there. Incredibly, it's the only thing left still standing from the legendary race track. The gatehouse is 82 years old and we don't want to lose it. The property on which the gatehouse stands is up for sale and there's no assurance that a new owner will keep the gatehouse intact. So, we've started a petition to save the gatehouse and we've already accumulated more than 900 names. We're aiming for at least 1,000 signatures. You can sign right here, online. There's no obligation. We're not asking for any donations or anything like that. We just want you to add your name to this super worthy effort.

Look at what some of our petition signers are saying:


Too much progress is NOT progress!

We need to stop erasing our historical landmarks.

Because too much history is lost for building cheap housing and strip mall centers.

This is a piece of history. Garden State Park was one of the classiest things about the state of New Jersey. The gatehouse should be preserved as a memory of something that was awesome, and is no longer there.

I worked & trained horses there. Happiest time of my life.

I once lived across the street from the Park ; my family was involved with the Park. I used to hand out programs there and new the Park quite well ! NO PIECE OF HISTORY should be tossed aside like trash, that's part of what's wrong with this Country !!!

This needs to be saved. Everyone from Camden county has roots in the Golden age of cherry Hill. My great Grandmother worked those wonderful restaurants for 40 years. She loved to talk about what it all used to be.

I worked at the race track as a young man, when Spend A Buck won the Jersey Derby. It was a lot of fun and met some great people. Good Times!!! Please preserve this historic gate house.

I think it is important to save as much history of the area as possible. My son was almost born in front of those gates 58 yrs. ago.

Without this last standing piece of the race track, the newer generations will never get to know about this awesome piece of history. Because of corporate greed no less. I never got a chance to see the race track because I was born right before it shut down but I learned about it after inquiring about the gate for the first time and now I smile at it every time I drive past it.

Too many people now wan to disregard history and its cyclical importance. History needs to be kept alive so future generations can appreciate its stories and lessons.

These are just a few samples of the many, many comments that have accompanied petition signings. Join us. SIGN THE PETITION NOW!

The way it looks now -- in peril! Don't let it perish!