Wednesday, March 27, 2024

MessNBC: An Ongoing Threat To Democracy?

So, after much carrying on from a bunch of overpaid,  indulged on-air  crybabies, MSNBC has dropped former RNC Chair Rona McDaniel as a regular contributor -- dropped her before she even started the job; before she was even given a chance to show what she could do.

MSNBC talks about threats to democracy but steadfastly refuses to present an opposing point of view, effectively thwarting democracy.

They showcase and celebrate diversity among their on air talent -- EXCEPT for a diversity of viewpoints. This is typical of the left in America today.

Meanwhile, Fox News has employed Democrats including former DNC Chair Donna Brazille, Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers, Harold Ford, and Jessica Tarlov (among others) and Fox has hosted and featured Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Gavin Newsom and Pete Buttigieg, etc. on the air numerous times including for open forum town halls. Is Fox strictly bipartisan? Of course not! But their record in welcoming a wider range of views is a damned sight better that MessNBC's.

Remember: lefties invented "safe spaces" so they don't have to be troubled by divergent viewpoints. They are the real threats to democracy today!

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