Friday, March 22, 2024

Three BIG Myths From The GOP's Old Guard

Call them what will: Republican moderates, traditionalists, anti-conservatives, Old Guard Republicans (like Liz and Dick Cheney, right) neocons, globalists, Country Club Republicans, RINOs, the elites or just plain Never Trumpers, they like to rewrite history, they're relentless and they routinely promulgate three big myths. Here they are:

1) The Reagan Myth - The Old Guard wants you to believe that if Reagan were alive today he'd be on their side. But here's the truth: these traditional Republicans hated Reagan. And Reagan knew it. In fact, when Reagan first started emerging on the national scene they did everything they could to thwart his rise. They challenged him with the same old wimpy Republicans they have always supported. Even after Reagan won in 1980 they still weren't totally on his side. They continued to mock him and many undermined him every chance they got. Reagan was no moderate. He didn't play it safe; he played to win. He was a rebel who mobilized from the right to seize control of the entrenched establishment. He was never Old Guard. He was a convert to to the party who took it kicking and screaming into the 1980s and beyond.

2) The Win/Unity Myth - Never Trumpers say they will bring unity to the party -- that they're the only ones who can and will bring people together and win elections. But look at their record. These are the same people who gave you a string of generally weak candidates who lost, lost, lost: Ford, Dole, McCain and Romney. And let's not forget George H. W. Bush who caved, went back on his promise not to raise taxes and lost in 1992. How hypocritical now that the Old Guard which insisted on unity from others then, refuses to close ranks behind the party's overwhelming popular choice now.

3) The 'Fair Play' Myth - Lecturing us about manners and civility, RINOs would have you believe they've always played fairly and have been "above board" in all they're dealings when, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. For decades, Old Guard Republicans have maneuvered behind the scenes to protect their turf and their rich and powerful friends. To that end, they have not hesitated to undermine populist elements in the party and even regularly cut secret deals with Democrats to perpetuate their access to power, often against the party's best interests. Just because you cut your nefarious deals within the cushioned atmosphere of a closed club doesn't make it any less sordid.

Remember this: The struggle within the GOP between the Old Guard and the populist, conservative sentiments of the grassroots didn't start with Trump and it didn't even start with Reagan. It goes way back to the time of Eisenhower vs. Taft and even Taft vs Dewey. This battle for the soul of the party is 80 years old and it continues, in one form or another, to this day. The triumph belongs to those who know the facts and refuse to fall for the myths. AVANTI!

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