Monday, March 18, 2024

Trump VS Biden: Why Not Look At The Record?

  1. Yes, to no one's surprise it's Trump vs Biden again. And a lot of people are hung up on the two personalities: Biden is too old, cognitively challenged and often grumpy while Trump is unpredictable, needlessly confrontational and authoritarian -- or so the argument goes. However you want to characterize them, they are who they are, and neither man is likely to change very much.

So . . . . . doesn't it make sense to look beyond the men and examine the issues and each man's record on the issues? Isn't that what the election's all about anyway? Considering all that, here goes:
  1. Economic Growth: Under President Trump, the United States experienced robust, record-breaking economic growth with unemployment reaching historically low levels among all racial, ethnic and demographic groups. The economy was strong, characterized by steady job creation, rising wages, little or no inflation and a booming stock market. For example, gas was as low as $1.82 a gallon then; it now averages $3.46. Everyone prospered under Trump! Now, prices have skyrocketed, interest rates are high, home ownership is beyond reach for many and the American Dream increasingly seems to be a distant memory.

The Border: The Trump administration moved decisively to secure America's southern border, launching the "Remain in Mexico" policy, Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), and the "zero-tolerance" policy, effectively deterring illegal immigration and unwarranted asylum seekers  Trump also kept his promise to spearhead the construction of the border wall. Immediately upon taking office Biden reversed these measures. The result? A surge of more than seven million illegals entering the country under Biden -- more criminals, more security risks, more gangs, more murders, more drugs and a greater and greater burden on our security, safety, economy and standard of living. In fact, more illegal immigrants have crossed the border under Joe Biden than the individual population in 36 different states. And Democrats are now openly talking about giving them the right to vote. Today, every American city is a border city and every state a border state. The border was more secure under Trump.
  1. Tax Reform: President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law which greatly stimulated economic growth by reducing corporate tax rates, simplifying the tax code for individuals, and providing tax relief for tax weary Americans. Now, not only is Biden planning to let the Trump tax cuts expire but he's proposing trillions of dollars in new taxes.

  2. Deregulation: The Trump administration implemented significant deregulatory efforts across various sectors reducing bureaucratic red tape and stimulating business investment. These actions promoted innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic efficiency while decreasing bloated government and government encroachment. Under Biden the federal government has stretched its regulatory tentacles into every walk of life, suffocating growth.

Judicial Appointments: President Trump made numerous judicial appointments, including three Supreme Court justices and hundreds of federal judges. After years of onerous liberal rulings, these appointments correctly shifted the judiciary toward a more constitutionally observant, originalist direction, heeding the intent of the nation's founders and fulfilling a key promise made during his campaign. Now, Biden and his cohorts are busy threatening and undermining originalist judges while appointing more and more judges who legislate from the bench. And, they've weaponized the justice system to go after Trump and his friends!

  1. Foreign Policy Achievements: The Trump administration pursued successful foreign policy initiatives, including renegotiating trade deals, imposing tariffs on Chinese and other imports, brokering the Abraham Accords diplomatic agreements in the Middle East, and prioritizing American interests in international relations. Strengthening our military gave us peace through strength. North Korea backed away from its aggressive nuclear missile program. Peace prevailed in the middle east and Ukraine. Russia, China and others knew not to saber rattle when President Trump was in charge. Now, all that positive movement has been reversed with war, mayhem, brinksmanship and chaos prevailing.

  2. Criminal Justice Reform: President Trump signed the First Step Act into law in 2018, which aimed to address issues such as sentencing disparities, prison overcrowding, and recidivism. This bipartisan legislation was a giant step toward reforming the criminal justice system. At the same time Trump was tough on crime. Now, a new poll shows that America's fear of crime is at a 30 year high and auto theft alone is up 33 percent.

  3. Veterans Affairs: The administration brought about reforms within the Department of Veterans Affairs which greatly improved access to healthcare services for veterans, reduced wait times, and addressed long festering systemic issues within the VA system. Now, homeless veterans plead for help while illegal immigrants reap freebies.

  4. Space Exploration: President Trump signed an executive order to reestablish the National Space Council, emphasizing the importance of space exploration and national security in outer space. His administration also made strides in revitalizing NASA's space exploration programs and created a new branch of the military, the US Space Force.

  5. Energy Independence: The administration pursued policies that promoting energy independence and expanding domestic energy production, including initiatives to deregulate the energy sector and unprecedented support for the development of fossil fuels vital to our national interest and security. Under Biden we have regressed. We are no longer energy independent and increasingly our energy grid and energy supply are at the mercy of newfangled "green new deal" schemes that lead nowhere while apparently resulting in the death of whales and other marine life along out shorelines.

  6. Response to COVID-19: Without President Trump there wouldn't have been any Operation Warp Speed, which accelerated the development and distribution of the breakthrough COVID-19 vaccines. Trump brought science, medicine, government and big pharma together to make this happen in record time -- an unparalleled achievement.

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