Monday, April 15, 2024

Legislators Oppose Murphy's State Board Nominee

New Jersey State Senator Parker Space and Assembly Members Dawn Fantasia and Michael Inganamort (all R-Sussex, Morris, Warren) reiterated their opposition to the confirmation of Serena Rice by the Senate to become a member of the State Board of Education.  They also sent a letter to Governor Phil Murphy calling on him to withdraw her nomination.

“I am a solid no on Rice’s confirmation and have been for weeks,” said Space.  “I am deeply troubled by her outrageous statements and her outright hostility towards parents who are concerned about how our schools are being run and what is being taught.”

The three legislators sent a letter to Governor Murphy and copied Senate President Nick Scutari and Senate Minority Leader Tony Bucco calling for her nomination be withdrawn. Read the letter here.

"As both a parent and an educator, I am appalled that the Governor has nominated someone who holds such outrageous views against parental involvement for such an important position over education policy and public-school curricula,” said Fantasia.  “Plus, Ms. Rice lacks any experience to help combat complex issues such as learning loss due to excessive lockdowns and our school funding crisis.”

Rice’s nomination was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 14 and was due to be voted on by the full Senate on March 18, but she was removed from the agenda.  There was a good chance her nomination was going to be up for a vote on April 15 but the Senate voting session was cancelled.

“We need advocates for children, parents, and common decency on the State Board of Education and Rice is not it,” stated Inganamort, who is the father of three school-aged girls.  “I stand with my fellow parents throughout the state who oppose her nomination and demand that it be withdrawn immediately.”

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