Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Let's Just Call Them The MASA Democrats!

By now you've probably heard Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton and countless other Democrats refer to the MAGA Republicans. 

It's a term they use again and again -- one that they regard as a term of derision. They've taken President Trump's brilliant Make America Great Again tag line and have attempted to bastardize it. But who are these Democrats who engage in this nonsense? Who are they, really?

They are the MASA Democrats. They want to Make America Surrender Again. They want to dismantle American exceptionalism, forfeit our role as a world leader, rob us of our will to triumph and force us to surrender again and again and again.

  • They want us to surrender our borders to millions of illegal immigrants who swarm into our country, live off government largesse, reduce our standard of living and create chaos.
  • They want us to surrender our economic well being to runaway inflation, bloated spending, massive deficits and a devalued dollar.
  • They want us to surrender our schools and our universities to critical race theory, leftist propaganda and indoctrination in the name of education.
  • They want us to surrender our national security to globalism and our foreign policy to appeasement.
  • They want us to surrender corporations and other institutions to nonsensical schemes like DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) while subjecting them to insatiable government regulation.
  • They want us to surrender the rule of law to lawfare, the blatant weaponization of our justice system.
  • They want us to surrender our hard earned wages to an income redistribution system that robs from the makers to give to the takers.
  • They want us to surrender our gas stoves, our gas fueled cars and our energy independence to foreign interests, e-cars, windmills and senseless solar schemes.
  • They want us to surrender whatever safe streets and retail sites we have left to druggies, car jackers, thugs, shoplifters, deranged people, gangs and leftist "defund the police" wackos.
  • They want us to surrender our faith and our right to worship to state imposed atheism masquerading as secularism.
  • They want us to surrender the sanctity of our vote to an endless, insecure voting process that lengthens and compromises the chain of custody while opening the door to fraud.
  • They even want us to surrender our God-given gender to gender fluidity, transgenderism and nefarious non binary notions

Yes, these Democrats are all about surrender. They want us to surrender our rights, our property, our security, our sacred honor and everything that we hold dear. 

They want to Make America Surrender Again and again and again. They are the MASA Democrats!

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