Friday, April 26, 2024

New National Poll: Trump Maintains Lead!


🟥 Trump 47% (+2) 🟦 Biden 45% 🟪 Other 4% — • Biden 2020 voters: Biden 88-6% • Trump 2020 voters: Trump 93-2% • Double haters: Biden 43-30% • Independents: Trump 46-39% • White: Trump 52-42% • Black: Biden 77-13% • Hispanic: Trump 48-41% • Male: Trump 54-38% • Female: Biden 51-40% • College: Biden 56-35% • No college: Trump 57-35% — Most important issue • The Economy/jobs: 27%Immigration/Border security 11% • Abortion: 10% • Inflation: 8% • Foreign policy/National Security: 7% • Personal character/integrity: 6% • The state of democracy: 5% • Healthcare: 3% — • 538 rank: #13 (2.8/3.0) | 745 LV • D40/R34/I26 | April 8-20 | ±4%

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