Saturday, May 18, 2024

NEVER BIDEN Voters Outnumber 'Never Trumpers'

It's hard to believe but now more voters say they will NEVER vote for Joe Biden than those who say the same of President Trump. Get a load of this excerpt from a new report at the Daily Caller:

Among likely voters living in six key swing states, 51% say there’s “not really any chance” they’d vote for Biden, compared to just 46% saying the same thing about former President Donald Trump, according to a May poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College. The trend of more voters vowing never to vote for Biden than Trump extends beyond just one poll, with three polls stretching between November 2023 and April all finding more never-Biden voters than never-Trump voters, The Washington Post reported.

It seems that after nearly four years of Joe Biden people now hold much more animus toward him than they ever did toward President Trump. 

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