Sunday, May 12, 2024

New Poll: Disapproval Of Biden Ticks Upward

Financial Times POLL: Since Biden has become president, would you say you are financially...

Better off: 17% [-3] Worse off: 51% [+3] — In General, do you think President Biden's economic policies have... Helped the economy: 28% [-4] Hurt the economy: 49% [+2] — How would you rate overall economic conditions in the U.S right now? Positive: 27% [-1] Negative: 71% [+3] — How would you describe your personal financial situation right now? Thriving 44% [-4] Surviving 55% [+4] — President Biden job approval 🟢 Approve 42% [-1] 🔴 Disapprove 56% [+3] The economy: 40-58 (-18) — Trust most to handle the economy Trump 43% [+2] Biden 35% [=] Neither 16% [=] [+/- change vs April] — Who do you think does a better job representing the interest of each of the groups listed below? • Union worked: Biden 42-36% • Blue collar workers: 40-40% • Small businesses: Trump 40-39% • Stock market investors: Trump 45-27% • Wall Street and big banks: Trump 51-24% • Large corporations: Trump 55-21%

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