Tuesday, May 14, 2024

NJ Dems Stand In Way Of 'Laken Riley Act'

New Jersey State Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and Paul Kanitra (all R-10) are urging the New Jersey Legislature to advance their resolution calling on Congress and the President to enact the "Laken Riley Act."

“The death of Laken Riley is a stark example of the devastating consequences that can result from lax immigration policies,” said Sen. Holzapfel. "For years we have warned about the potential ramifications of open borders and sanctuary cities. Such policies jeopardize the safety of millions of U.S. citizens, and tragically, some individuals like Laken Riley pay the ultimate price. I am calling for immediate legislative action on our resolution—we can’t turn a blind eye to those who have no respect for the law or the sanctity of human life."

The resolution, SR95/AR137, urges the United States Congress and the President of the United States to enact the “Laken Riley Act,” which requires that migrants who enter the country illegally and are accused of theft be taken into federal custody.

The “Laken Riley Act” was introduced in response to the tragic murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley. Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant, was charged with the crime.

"The 'Laken Riley Act' could have prevented Riley’s murder because Ibarra would have been arrested for theft and taken into federal custody,” added Asm. McGuckin. "The passage of this Act by the United States Congress and its enactment into law by the President would represent a significant step towards enhancing public safety across the country and the State of New Jersey. No family should ever again have to go through what Laken Riley’s family went through."

"This horrific incident should have never happened because the accused should have never been allowed into our country in the first place,” said Asm. Kanitra. “Our resolution will help hold illegal immigrants who commit crimes accountable so that we can protect the rights of law-abiding citizens."

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