Thursday, May 2, 2024

Trump No Longer Favors Two-State Solution

From Arutz Sheva via ZOA (The Zionist Organization of America):
Former President and 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump says he has changed his mind regarding a two-state solution for the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

“There was a time when I thought two states could work. Now I think two states is going to be very, very tough. I think it’s going to be much tougher to get. I also think you have fewer people that liked the idea. You had a lot of people that liked the idea four years ago. Today, you have far fewer people that like that idea,” Trump said in an interview with TIME magazine.

The former President explained: “Children grow up and they’re taught to hate Jewish people at a level that nobody thought was possible. And I had a friend, a very good friend, Sheldon Adelson, who felt that it was impossible to make a deal because the level of hatred was so great. And I think it was much more so on one side than the other, but the level of hatred of Jewish people was so great and taught from the time they were in kindergarten and before.”

He adds that he disagreed with what Adelson told him, “but so far, he hasn’t been wrong.”

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