Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bashaw Blasts Kim's Extremist Border Votes

With news reports this week that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) identified an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network transporting 400 immigrants from Central Asia and elsewhere, Curtis Bashaw, New Jersey Republican candidate for United States Senate, released the following statement:

“What is happening at our border right now is nothing short of a national security nightmare, as hundreds of individuals potentially connected to ISIS have been smuggled into our country over the last several years. We have no idea who many of these people are, where they are, or what their intentions may be.    

“It’s unconscionable to me that Andy Kim not only supports Joe Biden’s open border policies, he’s on record stating he doesn’t believe our border needs to be secured. That’s reckless and dangerous.

“Yet, Andy Kim’s actions in Congress are even worse, as he’s voted against common-sense measures to protect our country from terrorism and support law enforcement dealing with the border crisis.  He was one of only 34 members of Congress in the entire country to vote against the bipartisan ‘No Paydays for Hostage Takers Act’, a bill which allows the US government to hold hostage takers and terrorists accountable. The bill specifically targets the Iranian Regime, the leading sponsor of terrorism worldwide.  

“Just last month, Andy Kim voted against the Police Our Border Act, which would analyze the impact of the border crisis on our nation’s law enforcement. 

“Andy Kim supports Joe Biden’s dangerous open borders, voted against protecting American families from Iranian hostage takers, and doesn’t have the backs of our law enforcement officers in this border crisis. His extremist positions make him a dangerous choice to represent New Jersey in the United States Senate.

“As United States Senator, I will work to secure our borders, support our men and women in law enforcement, and protect our families and neighborhoods.  New Jersey families deserve nothing less.

*HR 5826- No Payday for Hostage-Takers Act, Passed 391-34, 4/16/24 

This legislation deters the Government of Iran, other hostile governments, and individuals from hostage-taking or wrongfully detaining United States nationals by imposing sanction and other strict penalties. Among the actions listed in the bill is the requirement of the President to deny visas for anyone seeking admission to the United States as a representative to the United Nations who is sanctioned under terrorism or weapons of mass destruction proliferation Executive Orders. 

*HR 8146Police Our Border Act, Passed 254 - 157, 5/16/24

This legislation would mandate the Attorney General compile a report on the border crisis’s impacts on law enforcement agencies across the United States – quantifying the impacts of an ever-expanding crisis and allowing Congress the ability to know where best to direct future resources.

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