Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fitzherbert Elected Executive Director Of YRFNJ

Congratulations to our friend Brian Fitzherbert who's been elected Executive Director of the New Jersey Young Republicans. And outstanding choice!

The New Jersey Young Republicans (YRFNJ) Organization recently elected its new Executive Board following a convention of counties.

The following individuals have been elected:

  • Chairman: Michael Manning
  • Vice Chair: Tim Walsh
  • Treasurer: Joe Miller
  • Secretary: Kasey Deardon
  • Executive Director: Brian Fitzherbert
  • National Committeeman: Joseph Stillwell
  • National Committeewoman: Kristen Bloschak

In a statement following his election as Chairman, Michael Manning shared the following message:

“I would first and foremost like to thank all the Young Republicans who participated this past Saturday as we elected our new leadership team. I am thankful for the support and confidence that county chapters and their delegates have given me to lead the state organization. As we look forward into the future, I am committed to building back a more vibrant, visible, and diverse collation of Young Republicans from all over the Garden State. With a dedicated and committed leadership team now in place, it’s time to get to work and win big in November!”

The YRFNJ extends its gratitude to all members who participated in the elections and looks forward to continuing its mission of empowering young Republicans across New Jersey.

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