Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Debate? Well, There's Really No Way . . .

Don't let anyone tell you differently.

Because the simple truth is this: there's no way to predict what's gonna happen at tonight's presidential debate.

Will Biden be so jacked up that he veers ahead at abnormal, supersonic speed? Will Trump be more toned down and maybe even a tad presidential? Will Biden succeed at goading Trump and getting him to react impulsively? Will Trump score policy points and come across as the common sense choice without unnecessary belligerence? Will Biden mumble and grumble and fumble? Will Trump rant and rave? Will they both come across as a couple of grumpy old men?

We don't know.

What's more, we don't know how the moderators will behave; what the nature of their questions may be; how they may be biased or triggered and how that will affect the outcome of the debate. We do know at least this much: the show is on CNN and they seem to have no interest whatsoever in a Trump win. But will the hosts moderate their tone and suppress their bias even a little bit and will that be enough to help Trump and tip the debate?

Bottom line: it's a crapshoot.

And that's why so many people will be tuning in. They want to watch the dice thrown and see how things will land.

One more question: does Trump have a surprise up his sleeve? Will there be some Big Reveal or unexpected maneuver tonight -- something that will give Trump bragging rights and dominate the headlines tomorrow? 

Stay tuned . . . . 

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