Monday, June 10, 2024

The Tattoo Craze Is Just Plain YUCKY!

Tattoos are increasingly common, and not just among younger Americans. What's more, most of those who have tattoos have more than one. And now, with summer upon us they seem to be all over the place -- in more ways than one!

A survey by Pew Research last year found a third of US adults have a tattoo, with 22% having more than one. The survey also found that women are more likely to have tattoos than men, with 38% of women having at least one compared to 27% of men. This includes 56% of women ages 18 to 29 and 53% of women ages 30 to 49. Imagine!

Do you tattoo?
If so, why? Are you trying to make a statement? Is it part of an emotional commitment? Or did you just decide to get tattooed on a whim or a dare?
Whatever the reason, we don’t get it.
Still, it’s obvious to us that others are into the tattoo craze and, as the survey notes, the movement has certainly taken hold.

We just don’t like it. And it doesn't matter to us how many famous or hip or "with it" people have tattoos. It just seems 
that some people have forgotten that less is more. Plus, tattoos don’t age very well and the sentiments they express often turn out to be passing, at best.

And speaking of sentiments, the Bible long ago weighed in on body adornment proclaiming: “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.”

The idea is that your body is the temple of your soul, an instrument on loan from God to contain your essence and you should not deface it.
Makes sense to us.
Yet many people don’t seem to get the message.
They're making our world more crass and more vulgar day by day.
Which makes us want to ask them: Why bother with a tattoo when there are kinder, gentler ways to make a statement, demonstrate your love, show your affiliation or remember a loved one?

So here’s our plea: Do the world a favor. Think long and hard before you get a tattoo. And if you already have one, cover it up or consider having it removed.

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