Thursday, July 11, 2024

Andy Kim On Biden: 'Still Thinking This Through'

Andy Kim (who has voted Biden's way in Congress more than 90% of the time) is "still thinking this through" when it comes to whether or not Biden should remain in the presidential race. 

Andy steadfastly praised Biden up till now and followed Bidenism like a star pupil -- sorta like the preverbal teacher's pet. But now that the Big Guy is in trouble, don't look to Andy for fortitude, let alone insight or clarity.

Andy Kim wants to be New Jersey's United States Senator but when push comes to shove, what we get from him is nothing but evasiveness. Poor Andy, he just can't deal with it. So, when things heat up he mumbles pseudo cerebral nonsense and looks for the nearest exit. What the hell kinda leader is this?

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