Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bashaw: NO Backroom Deals On Menendez Vacancy

Curtis Bashaw
Curtis Bashaw, New Jersey Republican candidate for US Senate, today issued the following statement regarding Senator Menendez’s resignation:

“It comes as a relief to our state that Senator Menendez is announcing his resignation, saving New Jersey the embarrassment of a drawn-out expulsion process.  After being convicted of selling out our country to the Egyptian government, his presence in the US Senate presents a national security risk to our country.

"As Governor Murphy moves to appoint a replacement to his seat, I once again call on him to let voters make the ultimate decision of who should hold this seat in November’s election. The Governor should appoint a caretaker to this seat, as is the long-standing New Jersey tradition, and not give either candidate the advantage of incumbency in this election.

"Furthermore, it’s beyond hypocritical that Andy Kim--who railed against back room deals as the focus of his primary campaign--is now asking Governor Murphy for a back room deal to be appointed to this Senate seat, on top of supporting a back room deal to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris.

"As this sordid scandal comes to a close, voters deserve to have confidence that they’ll have the ultimate say in this election -- not the Democrat Party bosses who enabled almost two decades of Menendez’s corruption.”

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