Thursday, July 11, 2024

Kim Rejects Bill Outlawing Non-Citizen Voting

Curtis Bashaw, New Jersey Republican candidate for United States Senate, released the following statement regarding Andy Kim’s vote against the SAVE Act, a bill that would ensure only American citizens can vote in federal elections by requiring proof of citizenship.

"The right to vote is the most basic, yet sacred civil right endowed to us by our Founding Fathers. It’s critical that we restore public confidence in the integrity of our elections through common-sense measures like requiring proof of American citizenship to vote.

“If you need an ID to purchase beer or get on an airplane, shouldn’t you need identification to vote? It’s a very simple measure that over 80 percent of Americans support to restore faith in our election process. 

I believe in legal immigration, and so many of my employees are first generation American citizens who went through the immigration process. I’ve had the privilege of participating in naturalization ceremonies, where legal immigrants became American citizens and earned their right to vote.

“New Jerseyans deserve to know why Andy Kim voted against this important bill to protect election integrity. Otherwise, we will assume he supports non-citizens voting in our American elections, which is an extremely radical position, even for Andy Kim.”

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