Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Citizen Speaks on Kamala's Economic Plan

And now, this from our friend Patrick Cassio, a carpenter from Rahway, NK:

Price controls on food ?

Un American hogwash .

Maybe we should have price controls on carpenter work too ?

Maybe I ll be a better carpenter with the government  on my back ?

Maybe the goverment knows better then I do how to build something or treat my customers ? 

These are all old socialist  ideas that have failed over and over around the world . Great Britain , Greece , Argentina , and in a worse example , the Soviet Union . 

All failed countries who tried  controlling prices and markets. And in the end, hurt their people . These failed policies  cause more poverty not less  and create supply shortages . 

These are supposed to be really smart people working on these campaigns .

None of these people took basic history it seems.

This country has always been the shining example of free  and open markets.  We have survived as the economic super power thru wars and recessions because of the strength of our people and our resourcefulness because of freedom, not controls.

The government has  enough of its tentacles in business already with regulations, taxes, and oversight .

Why would Americans want the goverment forcing prices on companies ?

What the hell can the can federal government run right ?

Show me one thing the goverment runs that doesn’t lose money!

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