Thursday, August 15, 2024

On The Major Issues, The People Support Trump!

Regardless of how you might vote, who do you trust to do a better job on each of the following?

The Economy 🟥 Trump: 52% (+6) 🟦 Harris: 46% . Border security 🟥 Trump: 58% (+19) 🟦 Harris: 39% Immigration 🟥 Trump: 56% (+14) 🟦 Harris: 42% . Guns 🟥 Trump: 50% (+3) 🟦 Harris: 47% . Foreign policy 🟥 Trump: 52% (+7) 🟦 Harris: 45% . Crime 🟥 Trump: 51% (+5) 🟦 Harris: 46% . | 1,105 RV | August 9-12

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