Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Living Through 14 Presidents: How I Rate Them

Just eight of the 14.

Am I really living through my 14th American presidency? Whew! Do you know what this is like for a political junky like me?

Anyway, I thought this would be a good time to look over the presidencies and the decades that I've endured. So, as we all wonder what comes next, here goes my assessment of each one of 'em:

Truman - Well, I was only a child during his reign but he’ll be remembered as one of the most human and most decisive presidents ever. No doubt about that. Also, quite a character — and funny, too. ASSET: Plain speaking; no nonsense. LIABILITY: Stubborn.

Eisenhower - Certainly one of the most popular presidents, and a surprisingly astute politician. A genuine American Hero. Still, no one in my family voted for him at the time. ASSET: Consensus builder, managerial skills. LIABILITY: Prickly.

Kennedy - Elegant, charismatic, smart and charming, he was also unfinished and thus all the more illusive. Unquestionably, in his short time in office, he motivated a whole generation. I adored him.  ASSET: Compelling, profound, inspiring. LIABILITY: Unseasoned.

Johnson - A tragic figure, ultimately. Stalked by his own insecurities and recurrent depression, he left us with a bloated central government and a bloody, shameful defeat that cost us more than 58,000 young lives.  ASSET: Consummate deal maker. LIABILITY: Suspicious, boorish, plagued by self doubts, 

Nixon - An riddle wrapped in a puzzle shrouded in contradiction. As brilliant as he was self-destructive, he’s destined to be studied for ages. So much potential, such a shameful end. ASSET: Smart, resolute, results-driven. LIABILITY: Hopelessly paranoiac.

Ford - Decent, self-effacing and the definition of midwest practicality. I should have voted for him and given him a chance to serve a full term. ASSET: Practical, accommodating. LIABILITY: Pliable.

Carter - Self-righteous, picayune, proprietary and unworldly, he left us diminished on the world stage and ultimately frustrated, pessimistic and broke at home. ASSET: Well-intended. LIABILITY: Priggish, plodding.

Reagan - Truly The Great Communicator, he galvanized a nation like no one since FDR and has earned his place in the top tier of presidents. He lifted us to new heights and made us believe in ourselves again. And, he vanquished the Evil Empire! ASSET: Decisive, credible, inspiring. LIABILITY: Too trusting in others.

H. W. Bush - A nice man but a great opportunity squandered in the name of manners, decency or some elitist concept of prudence. ASSET: Faithfulness, dedication, earnestness. LIABILITY: Vacillation, constraint, lack of vision. 

Clinton - A southern schmoozer who can and did charm the corn right off its husk, he gave us a breathless, consequential and accomplished presidency that built alliances and delivered a balanced budget. Sadly, his time was marred by his own chicanery and debauchery.  ASSET: Quick, clever, nimble, insightful. LIABILITY: Reckless, voracious.

W. Bush - The son avoided the mistakes of the father with a combination of Texas tenacity, swagger and the ability to surround himself, in most cases, with the right people. He soared in the aftermath of 9/11, rising to occasional gallantly. Unfortunately, he tripped up in the second term and led us into the Great Recession. ASSET: Plucky, nimble. LIABILITY:  Clubby, inveterate.

Obama - A skilled orator who proved to be hopelessly vain, smug, dismissive and ultimately spiteful. Yes, he made history, but that’s about all he made. A huge lost opportunity for the nation as we all paid the price for a president who never quite got over himself. ASSET: Persuasive, motivational. LIABILITY: Imperious.

Trump - A historic, breakthrough presidency that rocked the establishment to its core and swiftly grabbed two treasured golden rings: peace and prosperity. Then, the third turn on the merry go round screeched to a halt with the pandemic and a frightful climax. ASSET: Fearless, relentless, defiant LIABILITY: Bombastic.

Biden - Sadly, his is to be remembered as a bumbling, stumbling, crumbling presidency. This accidental president (there’s no other way to describe his ascendency) is a perfect example of how the Deep State pushes its most dutiful, mediocre servants to the top. This is a tragic presidency and the tragedy is ours as we are all suffering from it. It may take decades to recover! ASSET: ????? LIABILITY: Lame

My personal ranking, best to worst:

  1. Reagan
  2. Trump
  3. Truman
  4. Eisenhower
  5. Kennedy
  6. Clinton
  7. W. Bush
  8. Ford
  9. H. W. Bush
  10. Nixon
  11. Obama
  12. Johnson
  13. Biden
  14. Carter

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