Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pew Poll: Trump Ahead Among Catholic Voters

A Pew Research Center poll released Monday found that former President Donald Trump is leading Vice President Kamala Harris by five points among all Catholic voters, with 52% compared to her 47%. 

The poll asked registered voters across many religious affiliations which candidate, Trump or Harris, they would vote for, or are leaning toward voting for, if the election was held on they day they were polled.

Specifically among white Catholics, Trump has a significant 23-point lead, polling at 61% against Harris’ 38%. 

Harris leads Trump by just over 30 points among Hispanic Catholics, meanwhile, with 65% of support compared to the Republican nominee’s 34%.

According to Pew’s survey, Trump also enjoys a wide lead among white Protestants, especially those who identify as evangelical.

Among white evangelical Protestants, Trump leads Harris by a whopping 66% points: 82% to 16%.

The same poll also found Trump ahead by 17 points with non-evangelical white Protestants. Harris, however, maintains a commanding lead among black Protestants – 86% to 11%.

Harris’ lead with Jewish voters was identical to her lead with Hispanic Catholics: 65% to 34%.

Pew determined that Harris was winning atheist voters in a landslide, 85% to 13%. With voters identified as agnostic, Harris enjoyed a slightly narrower lead of 78% to 20%.

Voters who indicated their religion was “nothing in particular” also went for Harris, but by a significantly smaller margin than both Jewish voters and Hispanic Catholics – 59% to 38%.

Among all voters Pew surveyed, the two major party nominees were tied, both with 49% of the vote.  

Pew conducted the poll from August 26 to September 2. 

CatholicVote Vice President Joshua Mercer said the new numbers on Catholic voters are in keeping with trends CV has been following, including in battleground states.

“Catholics aren’t a monolith, but we’re concerned enough about the central issues of faith, family, and freedom that you can bet we mostly recognize a threat to the Church when we see one,” Mercer said:

Harris has been a central player in almost three years of constant attacks on all we hold dear – carried out by a weaponized government that goes very hard against pro-lifers and Catholic-run pregnancy resource centers.

The new Pew Research numbers “didn’t surprise” Mercer, he said. “If anything, I think the exit polls after November will show an even bigger hole where the Democratic Party’s Catholic support used to be.”

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