Friday, July 18, 2008

Hunka Burnin Love

Yes, I was around when Elvis was in his prime.
And yes, I even remember some of his early hits. And I saw him on the Ed Sullivan Show (only from the waist up, of course).
But I was never a big Elvis fan.
It wasn't that I disliked Elvis. It's just that I never really connected with him or his music.
And I've never bought into these Elvis recreation shows.
But . . . Mike Helms of Fort Mill, South Carolina performs as Elvis at Skillets Cafe here in Hilton Head every summer and he's wonderful. And so, through Mike I've really come to appreciate Elvis' music.
Mike is very faithful to the look, the sound and the mannerisms of Elvis and, above all, he has a wonderful voice. He knows how to sing the songs of Elvis.
His show doesn't caricature Elvis. It's true to The King and his music and it's also lots of fun.
In addition to his Thursday night gigs at Skillets Mike also performs on Friday nights at Coligny Plaza here on the island. And Mike always draws a big crowd. Last night I was once again part of that crowd.
So, if you're down this way don't miss Mike's performance as "The Big E." It's truly a memorable, entertaining evening!

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