Friday, July 18, 2008

Satire: We Get It!

About that magazine cover, Sen. Obama . . .
We got it. There are a lot of us, actually, even the bitter ones, clinging to our guns, married to our siblings, glued to our Bibles.
You don't need a Harvard pedigree or a subscription to The New Yorker to understand what satire means.
So please tell your staff and supporters to stop whining about how a group of liberal literary types depicted you as a Muslim and your wife as Angela Davis. (And you thought Republicans would be the first to play the race card.)
Stop telling the world that this will just put the nail in your coffin with those unsophisticated voters who don't do nuance and have limited vocabularies.
Even those of us who don't travel in your high-toned circles caught the joke.

To read the rest of Chrstine Flowers' wonderful op-ed from today's Philadelphia Daily News, click here.

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