Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden Here First

You read it here first.
Last Tuesday, August 19 I wrote:
Washington insiders are now betting on Joe Biden as Obama's Veep pick and the announcement could come very soon - even as you're reading this.Will it be Biden?Well, Obama does need gravitas and Biden seems to have it.Lately, Obama's youth and inexperience have been on ample display. And the Saddleback Church forum and Georgia crisis have only exacerbated the situation.
That was FOUR DAYS before the official announcement.
Then, last night at 10 PM, FIVE HOURS before the official announcemnt I said again:
It's Biden.
Every indicator now points to Biden as Obama's choice.Translation: Obama knows he's in trouble. He knows he needs help: needs a seasoned hand; needs some gravitas; needs the perception of wisdom, heft, strength.He's not crazy over Biden but he really, really wants to win - and he wants to win without putting Hillary on the ticket.
So, it's Biden.
Keep coming back. Keep paying attention. When it happens, you'll read it here first!

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