Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Biden

Numerous sources say that Bayh and Kaine are now out of the running.
It's hairplug time, folks.
It's Biden.
Every indicator now points to Biden as Obama's choice.
Translation: Obama knows he's in trouble. He knows he needs help: needs a seasoned hand; needs some gravitas; needs the perception of wisdom, heft, strength.
He's not crazy over Biden but he really, really wants to win - and he wants to win without putting Hillary on the ticket.
So, it's Biden.
Forget what Biden said about Obama being "clean."
Forget Biden's comment about the White House being no place for "on the job training."
Biden will be the teacher now. He'll do the training. Or so he thinks.
And forget that Biden and Obama voted differently on the Iraq war and other issues. Obama has little choice. He didn't expect it to be this way. But he has to go with blabby 'ole Biden.
Try it out: Bamabiden!
Get used to it. It's Biden.

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