Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Constitution Day!

On Sept. 17, 1787, the U.S. Constitution was signed by thirty-nine brave men who changed the course of history. Now Constitution Day is a time for us to continue their legacy and develop habits of citizenship in new generations of Americans.
So, today is Constitution Day (also known as Citizenship Day). This is the day that we celebrate our US Cosnstitution and the freedoms that it gaurantees to all of us.
The Constitution is the legal fabric of our nation -- it's what we all have in common; it's what holds us together; it's what permits our justice system to function. Without the Constitution we wouldn't be a nation.
So, Constitution Day is every bit as important as the Fourth of July.
I urge you to learn more about the Constitution and Constitution Day by clicking here.
Also, be sure to visit the wonderful National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. It's one of the finest attractions of its type in the world!

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