Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm really disgusted with people who seem to be addicted to their BlackBerrys or other texting devices. These distracting oafs who always need to be showing how important they are by receiving or sending messages are themselves often among the most boring and irrelevant people I've ever met.
They eventually live their lives through their PDAs.
And if you don't believe that people can actually become addicted to these idiotic devices than you haven't been paying attention. A new poll from Sheraton Hotels says 35 percent of BlackBerry and PDA users would choose their devices over their spouses.
And don't forget the people who are putting all of the rest of us in danger by using PDAs in their cars or in work situations where a PDA is an unsafe distraction.
Back to that Sheraton study reported by CBS:
BlackBerry's are becoming -- among other things -- the 800-pound gorilla in the bedroom. 'Berry, 'Berry, addictive? "I live with it. I can't live without it," one New York City resident told CBS 2 HD. Yeah ... there's a reason some call 'em ... CrackBerrys. But are you having a love affair with yours? "I am on my BlackBerry more than I see my boyfriend," one woman said. The study of 6,500 traveling executives says 35 percent of them would choose their PDA over their spouse. "That's a tough call," one said. "Oh you don't want to go there," another added.
Here's my message to these BlackBerry addicts: Stick your GD PDA UYA and go away!


  1. The adviser, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, discussing the nation's economic woes with reporters, said that McCain -- who has struggled to stress his economic credentials -- did have experience dealing with the economy, pointing to his time on the Senate Commerce Committee.

    Pressed to provide an example of what McCain had accomplished on that committee, Holtz-Eakin said the senator did not have jurisdiction over financial markets, then he held up his Blackberry, telling reporters: "He did this."

    So Dan, can I count on your vote for Obama. :)

  2. No, you cannot count on my vote.
    But that was a nice try, anyway.
    Frankly, I hadn't expected my stongly held feelings about BlackBerries to trigger a politically charged response but I suppose I should have know better. Everything really IS political - especially during a presidential campaign.
    As I understnd it, Mr. Holtz-Eakin was making a joke - a bad joke, for sure, but a joke.
