Monday, October 13, 2008

Bravo, Bravo, Italia!

Before this Columbus Day passes let's reflect on what a glorious, glorious day it was.
Amidst unseasonably warm weather and under a bright sun President George W. Bush greeted Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlosconi at the White House today.
The occasion was replete with pomp and grandeur.
We watched the whole event on C-SPAN and so enjoyed seeing the White House festooned with American and Italian flags. President Bush pulled out all the stops to greet Prime Minister Berlusconi and honor Italy on this important day in world history and it was all entirely appropriate. Italy is one of our nation's best friends and closest allies and Berlusconi is a great leader in his own right.
Watching these two world leaders as they walked along the White House lawn to review the troops we thought of the enduring alliance that has linked our two nations.
Few Presidents have been as respectful and attentive to the needs of Italy and the concerns of Italian-Americans as President George W. Bush. And President Bush is at his best on these occasions, honoring the Presidency and conducting himself with dignity and appropriate formality.
Though President Bush will leave office in less than 100 days, we hope that President Berlusconi remains at the helm of Bella Italia for a long, long time. We shall need him there.
Three cheers for America! Bravo, Italia!

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