Tuesday, October 14, 2008

'Stop' Tour Kicks Off

The mother of a U.S. Marine who has served in Iraq, and a black singer will lead a national bus tour rallying Americans to reject the Obama/Biden ticket and instead support the McCain/Palin campaign. The "Stop Obama Tour: will launch this Wednesday, October 15th rallying Americans at 35 cities in swing states across the nation. The tour will take place from October 15th – 29th.
Military Mom Deborah Johns' son is a United States Marine who has served several tours of duty in the War on Terror, including three tours of duty in Iraq. Lloyd Marcus, has already attracted attention in the 2008 presidential campaign with his song "Sarah Smile" -- a tribute to Republican vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. (You can see the video to "Sarah Smile" - HERE).
Also leading the "Stop Obama Tour" will be radio talk show host and television news & politics analyst, Mark Williams, who will be blogging and podcasting on the events taking place throughout the tour.
“The Stop Obama Tour” is a project of the “Our Country Deserves Better” committee an independent federal political action committee that has already raised several hundred thousand dollars from everyday Americans in the effort to support the McCain/Palin campaign.Local elected officials and community leaders will also speak at the rallies which will take place in: California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kansas, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Nine rallies alone will take place in Michigan, as the Our Country Deserves Better Committee has stepped in to fill the void created by the decision of the McCain campaign to pull its own resources out of Michigan, and focus their staffing and ad spending in other states. The national tour will be supported by an extensive television advertising campaign with commercials having already begun across Nevada, then to begin in Colorado, and a heavy media buy to begin later this week in Michigan. Again, the committee’s determination to step in and wage an aggressive campaign to defeat Obama in the Great Lake State comes in the wake of the McCain campaign’s drawdown of resources from the state.


  1. Dan, does our country deserve a man who hires a lobbyist for Saddam Hussein to be his presidential transition chief? A man whose colleagues were later federally convicted for acting as agents for Saddam Hussein? Senator McCain has hired William Timmons, who lobbied for Saddam Hussein, to run his transition team.

  2. Last I checked, it's a free country.
    You have the right to struggle to find something -- anything -- that might damage a great American hero who fought for our country.
    And I have the right to get the record out on a no-accomplishment, thin resume candidate who consorts with radicals.
    Let the bus tour go forward!
