Friday, December 5, 2008

Party Season Begins!

Honorees Judge Anne E. Lazaras and Mitchell Klevan (center) accept the Ben Levy Community Service Award at the Brandeis Law Society's Chanukah Party in Philadelphia last night. Joining Lazaras and Klevan were Brandeis Chancellor Lou Podel (right) and Brandeis Executive Committee Member Mayer Horowitz (left).
Last night's event began a round of holiday parties in the city and gave us the opportunity to say hello to so many legal luminaries including: Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor-elect Sayde Ladov; former Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellors Mark Aronchick, Alan Gordon and Larry Beaser; Judges Lou Presenza, Sandra Mazer Moss, Denis Cohen, Ida Chen and Marlene Lachman as well as newly-appointed federal court Judge Joel Slomsky. We also chatted with David Ladov, Lou Fryman, soon-to-be Philadelphia Bar Association Vice Chancellor Rudy Garcia, Arnold Machles, Adam Laver, George Newman and the wonderful new President Judge of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, Pamela Dembe.
But we couldn't stay at the Brandeis event too long because we had to hurry over to the big White and Williams Christmas Party at the nearby Westin Hotel. There we were welcomed by our old friend Merritt Cole and we also saw former Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor (and legendary Philadelphia lawyer) Joe Foster.
The White and Williams party is always one of the best events of its type and this year was no exception. We enjoyed baked macaroni with crabmeat, steamship rounds of beef and succulent fresh carved turkey as well as a variety of Asian delights -- appropriate since W&W now does a good deal of business in China. And of course the bountiful open bar kept pouring well past the official party "closing" hour.
On top of it all, we continued to run into lawyer friends on the street where we had the chance to say hello to Joe Crawford and Jerry Spivak.
It was a wonderful evening, full of dear friends and happy memories!

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