Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanks, Chris Christie!

Christopher Christie has been an outstanding U. S. Attoney for New Jersey.
And he certainly deserves our praise and gratitude.
But I can't say it any better than New Jersey Senate Majority Leader Tom Kean. Here's what Kean (and others) have to say:
On Monday, Chris Christie finished his term as United States Attorney for the State of New Jersey. During the seven years Chris has served us, he has made New Jersey a safer place, a cleaner place and a better place for New Jersey families.
Public officials from both parties were prosecuted for corruption, 132 were convicted, and not one was acquitted. Corporate executives who cheated their companies and hurt their workers were successfully prosecuted. Terrorist plots were busted. It truly is a remarkable record of accomplishment for the State of New Jersey.
As an elected official, a resident of our great state - and as a friend - I want to thank Chris for his exceptional service.
Also from Senator Tom Kean, here are snippets from some of the editorials that have praised Chris Christie's record:
"Christie stands out as of one of the most active and successful of them all (US Attorneys)." — Star Ledger 11/18
"Christie has already done more good for New Jersey than some previous Governors...Christie's blitzkrieg helped create an environment where once-impossible reforms became possible." — Phila. Inquirer 11/25
"...Christie got results. And he did it in a state where a procession of state attorneys general have done virtually nothing to tackle public corruption." — Courier Post 11/30
"...capable and productive...was as bipartisan as he was dogged."— NY Post 11/23
"All New Jerseyans owe him a huge debt of gratitude for refusing to accept this state's sleazy status quo...has been central to the wave of reforms that have swept Trenton and is slowly spreading to county and local levels."— Bergen Record 11/19
I'm proud to join with Senator Kean in saying: "Thank you, Chris Christie! Let us hope and pray that New Jersey appreciates your service and turns to you again in the future."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Chris Christie for the wonderful work you have done for NJ. As a lifetime citizen of New Jersey, I too would like our State to be know for something more than "political corruption and the Sopranos." Thank you Chris for making NJ a better place to live for myself and my children. Good luck on your bid for Govenor. I will be out there rooting for you!
