Saturday, February 14, 2009

GOP To Win In 2010

By a huge 4 to 1 margin those of you who voted in our poll say the Republicans will win the 2010 congressional elections.
Here's the breakdown:
Republicans: 75%
Democrats: 19%
Stalemate; neither side will win: 4%
Of course, these percentage figures are approximate but they do show a clear and overwhelming trend.
A funny thing happened in the course of the poll. In the beginning, the figures were actually a bit close. But as Obama began bungling through the first weeks of his presidency and as it became clear that the stimulus package was not bipartisan and that it was full of pork, the GOP began to run away with this poll.
Thanks for participating.
We'll have a new poll soon.


  1. FYI, are a right-wing hack and this a right-wing hack's it comes as no major surprise that the ring-wing commenters to this blog would vote that the repubs will take back Congress in 2010.

    I say BRAVO...just proves once again how out of touch with reality you people really are and that is even better for Democrats.

    I had a Liberal blog at one time and called it might want to do the same unless of course you are ashamed of your political affiliation in which case I guess it's understandable.

    Sadly, you cannot figure out why you lost so big in 2006 and 2008...oh, that's right those nasty Liberals stole it from you...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Actually, what happened...the Democrats, swing voters and some of you own Republicans voted in such large numbers YOU were prevented from once again stealing another election...damn the bad luck.

    ta ta


  2. Thank you for your comments.
    Divergent points of view are always appreciated. The ongoing dialogue is healthy and encourages the continued preservation of free speech.
    And it's good that you feel so strongly about these things.
    Just remember this: Republicans have held the White House for 28 of the last 40 years.
    Most independent observers and objective political commentators agree: This is still a center-right country.
    So, it seems time is on the GOP's side. And the clock is ticking . . .

  3. Yet another "anonymous" attack post. So typical too; condescending, stuck-up and ignorant of others. Me, me, me! I'm right, you’re wrong. She actually wrote "ta ta" at the end of her post. I find endless amusement with these people who feel so strong about these issues yet post anonymously.
